The warmth of the Sun brings with it the gifts of vitality, colors, scents and bird songs.
It can also add more to-do lists, social engagements and the need to tend gardens and offer kids activities.
As much as we enjoy this change of pace, it might feel a bit overwhelming.
In this class we will create our own mini-vacation, to receive some quiet time and rest.
The tools for that will be in the form of a body scan, gentle twists and decompressing forward bends.
We will also focus on setting our vision for our Summer and reflect on how we define success.
Much love,
“Be kind once a day - even if it’s just in your mind.”
-Yoko Ono
Zoom Yoga Class, 5/11, 7PM, Central Time
Join URL:
Meeting ID: 522-828-578
Contribution: 10 Dollars
Venmo: marielle-school