This week opens the new, fresh season, Summer Solstice: the longest day of the year.
The gifts of the official beginning of Summer are joy and fulfillment.
Sometimes we get lost in all the activities and the sounds around us and we struggle to harmonize our own inner melodies. It can cause dissonance and discomfort.
In this Yoga class we will focus on crossing the midline. This can be very calming to our Nervous System and it helps us to hold space for ourselves.
Throughout the entire practice we will explore Eagle pose and twists to enrich our sense of self.
Much love,
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
Zoom Yoga Class: 6/20, 7PM, Central Time
Meeting ID: 232 466 4934
Passcode: yoga
Contribution: 10 Dollars
Venmo: marielle-school
PayPal: marielleschool@gmail.com