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Cool Yoga


To navigate the heat of this Summer we will roll out our Yoga mats on the beach with a cooling and calming Yoga practice tomorrow.

We will cultivate an active yet restorative movement practice adding frequent forward bends and twists.

In our seated poses, we will focus on Kurmasana: Turtle Pose.

It helps improve our respiratory system, reduces stiffness and boosts our metabolism.

Our supine pose of the day will be: Makrasana, Crocodile Pose.

It reduces stress and tension, promotes good sleep hygiene, regulates blood pressure and helps relieve anxiety.

Please bring a strap to class tomorrow.

Much love,


“Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh and to abandon oneself, to be light.”

Friday Kahlo

Zoom Yoga Class: 8/1, 7PM, Central Time

Meeting ID: 232 466 4934

Passcode: yoga

Contribution: 10 Dollars

Venmo: marielle-school


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