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Stable in body and mind

The recipe for a happy Fall is a combination of strength, motion and rest.

When the winds intensify, we tend to be less stable, both in body and mind.

The joints need more time to warm up and the weather invites us to slow down and to connect inwards.

Tonight’s Yoga class will embroider all these needs together.

We will connect with the shoulder girdle and the hip socket to stabilize and warm the signature joints.

We will explore different forms of Cat-Cow stretches to strengthen our core and release our spine.

In our standing poses we will add more balancing and twisting opportunities to enhance our stability and to massage the inner organs.

Please bring a STRAP and a BLOCK to the practice.

Much love,


“What is happiness except the simple harmony between the man and the life he leads?”

-Albert Camus

Zoom Yoga Class: 9/28, 7PM, Central Time

Meeting ID: 232 466 4934

Passcode: yoga

Contribution: 10 Dollars

Venmo: marielle-school

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